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There and Back Again

I think it’s safe to say that some of my favorite moments in life were gathered into the last six weeks. God is so good, and I was immeasurably blessed during my time in the States. Here’s a recap of the highlights:

After just a couple days at home, I got on another plane, and headed west to celebrate the wedding of my dear friend and college roommate. The sunny, long weekend in California was jam packed with fun and friends I hadn’t seen in too long. The ocean was glorious, and the wedding festivities were memorable and beautiful.


Back at home in the mountains, I hiked every day. There’s just too many flowers and meadows and lakes and streams and vistas to take in. Plus, Colorado sunshine is the best kind of sunshine.


The second wedding was that of a life-long friend, which meant that the celebration included all the people I grew up with, even though we are kinda scattered to the four-winds now. Besides a little rain, the day was perfect, and I felt so blessed to be a part of it.


The next day, my family packed up the boat and road tripped to our annual vacation at the lake. Every day was ideal except for the fact that the hours passed too quickly. Tubes took flight, canyons were explored, cliffs were jumped, and marshmallows were roasted, and stars were gazed at.

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I had the opportunity to visit one of our supporting churches in Illinois, where there is A LOT of corn, for those of you who don’t know. I knew many of the people here by name, but to put faces to those names and see firsthand the fervor and passion of the congregation as they stand with us in God’s work was a blessing. Not to mention, I was shown first-class hospitality and love.


With the final week upon me, I was hiking, and playing with my nephew, and fellowshipping with my friends and church family as much as possible. God used you all to encourage me and send me back here feeling well-loved and prayed for.

Twenty-four hours before I had to leave, my precious niece was born. There are no words to describe how blessed I felt to be able to hold her tiny, new life in my hands. The feeling was equally strong, but opposite when I had to kiss her goodbye the next day.


It was SO hard for me to back out of my driveway. Usually, when the time comes, I’m ready to leave home. Not this time. I felt like I was being ripped away, and my heart was being stretched further and further across the miles.

Nonetheless. a couple car rides and plane rides later, I’m here. My bags are unpacked, and I’m adjusting. If you could pray for me in the weeks to come, I would really appreciate it. That my heart would settle into being here, that my attitude would be one of joy, and that I would be able to serve God and his people effectively in this place for as long as He has me here.

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