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Loved to Life

Cute is an understatement. Every single one of our kiddos oozes adorableness—head to toes. Most of them know it, and they flaunt it. They flash big, toothy smiles like there’s no tomorrow, and strike bold poses whenever they sense the presence of a camera. They chime in with the choir shouting your name for attention. If there’s a spotlight, they’re doing what it takes to ensure it falls on them.

But let’s talk about the exceptions: the meek ones whose smiles are hard to come by. The light in their eyes is dimmed, for whatever reason, and it’s a challenge to fill their faces with cheer. It’s hard to tell if they responded with the typical, “I am fine,” when asked, “How are you?” because they’re heads are downcast and their voices undetectable. They seem immune to the contagious smiles and laughter that are shared among their classmates. Perhaps their lives at home aren’t easy, or they don’t feel good…again. Maybe they’ve been told they’re not smart enough, or maybe their quiet personalities simply get lost in the noise of 19 classmates. Whatever the case, one thing is for sure: on the rare occasion that they pipe up, or let a hint of laughter escape from their bodies, time stands still while the indescribable beauty of that moment is unfurled.

She’s the sweet pea who’s developmental delays are a mystery. She scoots around on the floor while her fellow two-year-olds toddle and run around her; she hasn’t spoken and they’re babbling nonstop. Every day her teacher cares for her like she’s the most special thing in the world. Until one glorious day she pulls herself up and takes her first steps, leaving her teacher speechless…almost as speechless as the moment she opens her mouth and calls her by name. All because that teacher loved her, and believed in her.

He’s the new kid, on the brink of tears every time you turn around because he’s friendless in an unfamiliar environment, and he hasn’t quite figured out what he’s supposed to be doing like everyone else has. But his teacher takes notice, and shelters him under her wing until he has some friends and a better reign on the routine. Now he goes home happy, and comes back the next morning even happier, because he fits here.

She’s the only baby that stares blankly at the goofy noises and faces you make, while her peers are in fits of giggles. Then, out of the blue, she lets a half-smile work its way into uncontrollable laughter, and you’re not sure if it’s real, but all seems right in the world.

He’s the boy who has been labeled mute. Then one day during circle time, he suddenly fires an answer to the teacher’s question, and gets it right! The praise of the teacher and excited applause of his classmates go on and on, and those dim eyes flood with pride, bashful as it may be.

She’s stunning, but so shy that her eyes quickly shift every time they meet yours. One day, she’s the only one left after school, so you offer to help her with the puzzle she’s working on. A silent nod is her oblige, but 20 minutes later, when it’s time to go, she pauses in the doorframe, then turns around waving, “bye-bye, Ma’am Tayla.” The grin is sheepish, but somehow melts my heart way more than the ear-to-ear smiles of her cheese-ball classmates.

Because of God’s boundless love in and through us, coaxing such moments out of these little ones is what this place is all about. The staff I get to work with every day is on a mission: to live and breathe the love of God so that their students come to life in new and exciting ways. For many, life already flows fast and free. Praise God. But for the others, there is nothing like watching the first signs of life bud and bloom right before your eyes. In those moments, our praise to God must be unhampered, because He let us be a part of sharing His love with that little one, who is so close to His heart.

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